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Insights from Rhys – 7 years on!

From time to time, we get in touch with past students to get their feedback and perspective on how Justin Craig helped them. Here is Rhys’s story …..

Excellent tutors and personalised help made a real difference

“ I found out about JCE during my first year of A-Levels from a friend of my parents.  In my view, they are a remarkable resource and, looking back, I wish I found about them sooner.  Without them, I don’t think I would have achieved the grades I needed. Not only could I have ended up studying something different at Uni but it might have meant a different career path too.  For me, I think it was JCE’s excellent tutors and personalised help which  made a real difference to my Physics grade.”

Why Rhys looked for help

“Let me back up a little and give you a little background about myself…

It’s 7 years since I sat my A Levels and I believe the system has changed a little now but, back then, Yr 12 counted just as much as Yr 13.  In Yr 12, I was studying Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and Psychology  – perhaps I bit off a little more than I could chew! I loved Physics (and still do) but found it a little harder than Maths, which was my strongest subject at the time. To study Physics at University, I needed Bs in both Physics and Maths. Initially, the B in Physics seemed out of reach, particularly as school’s prediction was a D! Whilst I could have chosen a degree in Maths, it just didn’t fire up my wonder and curiosity like Physics and it became clear that I would need some extra help to pursue my  dream of obtaining a bachelor in Physics.

Tutors understand specific needs of each student and tailor approach accordingly

Don’t get me wrong, I had an excellent Physics teacher in sixth form but I needed something more personalised to my specific struggles – Justin Craig provides just that!  By communicating with you well in advance of your course, the tutors make sure they have a good idea of where you are at and where you need to be. They also take the time to figure out what your weakness are, even if you are not sure what they are yet.

During the course, the friendly team and small classes help create a great learning environment 

Not knowing what to expect on my first course, I remember being extremely nervous, shy and sceptical but very shortly after arriving those feelings dissipated quickly as everyone is very approachable and helpful. You get a quick welcome talk, given your timetable for the day(s) and split off into your classes.

The class sizes are small, making the environment more intimate, therefore, you were able to ask more questions and get more individual attention than you normally would. The teachers are very good at spotting gaps in your knowledge and giving you the tools to fill them. I remember struggling with electromagnetic wave problems, for some reason I just could not wrap my head around the exam questions, the tutor I had picked up on this as soon as he saw my practice paper (that he had the students in the class attempt ahead of time). He figured out where the gaps in my knowledge were, and suddenly the whole topic started to click. Sometimes it takes someone explaining something to you in a completely different way to make you understand it.

Student feedback is valued and acted upon

At the end of your course, you get a chance to review your experience (anonymously) on everything related to your experience with JCE. In addition to feedback on your Tutor , students give comments and ratings on various aspects ranging from classroom facilities  to  the effectiveness of the Welcome Talk and Onsite Staff such as the Course Director and Course Assistants.  I am not sure the students really appreciate the importance of the feedback forms, but having been a course assistant and especially now, I now realise that they are key to Justin Craig being so effective.  In addition to providing insights as to which tutors are the most effective and why, it also lets JCE know student views on everything related to their experience. In my view, this method of constructive criticism has allowed JCE to have only the best of the best working for them.

Being a former Course Assistant, I do feel like it is my duty to let you know that, if at any point during the course you have ANY issue with your classroom, your tutor or absolutely anything else, you can talk to the Course Director or the Course Assistants and they will figure out a way to fix the issue.

JCE helped “join the dots” and boosted confidence, resulting in my achieving a 2 grade jump 

As I mentioned before, my first course was for Physics, in my mind it was just to brush up on a few things, but I ended up realising how many areas that I need to pay more attention to. Having someone else explain things in a different way can really connect a lot of dots for you. JCE made me feel like I had an edge on the other students in my class. I was hooked. With each course, a feeling of confidence grows.

Ultimately, I believe it was that confidence boost that made the difference, enabling me to get into the University of Hertfordshire and get my BSc (Honours) in Physics!  Before my Justin Craig courses, my predicted grade for Physics was a D – I ended up getting a B.  I am now in the USA in a Data Analytics position for a multi-billion dollar company.

I cannot thank Justin Craig Education for their part in helping me pursue my dream degree and career path. Seriously, I cannot recommend them enough.

Based on my recommendation, my younger brother also went on Justin Craig courses and has just started at the University of Essex studying Marketing and Management.   You can find him talking about his experiences with the courses here

Side note. If you were a former student at JCE, you can become a Course Assistant. It feels good to share your experience with the new students and to put their minds at ease (plus it is great way to get some much-needed extra cash during your uni years!) Generally, your job is to help the courses run smoothly by talking with the students about anything they need and supporting the teachers so they can focus on their class. It looks pretty good on your C.V. too.

Caroline Stanton

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